Bel Ons +32 (0)11 34 27 39

Agenda - aankondigingen


To create a button, use the [button] shortcode and customize it using the various parameters available

Parameter Description Parameters
Style Defines the button style or class default color primary success danger link
href url link of the button n/a
Target specifies where to open the linked document _blank _self _parent _top


Simple link

[button style="default" href="#" target="blank"]title[/button]
[button_input style="default" href="#" target="blank"]title[/button_input]

Button variations

Default Color Primary Success Danger link

[button style="default" href="#" target="_self"]Default[/button]
[button style="color" href="#" target="_self"]Color[/button]
[button style="primary" href="#" target="_self"]primary[/button]
[button style="success" href="#" target="_self"]success[/button]
[button style="danger" href="#" target="_self"]danger[/button]
[button style="link" href="#" target="_self"]link[/button]

Button sizes

You can add different size classes to your button to create button size variation using the size classes uk-button-mini, uk-button=small or uk-button-large

mini button small button default button Large button

[button style="color uk-button-mini" href="#" target="_self"]mini button[/button]
[button style="color uk-button-small" href="#" target="_self"]small button[/button]
[button style="color" href="#" target="_self"]default button[/button]
[button style="color uk-button-large" href="#" target="_self"]Large button[/button]

Button group

To create a button group, wrap the [button_group] shortcode around the buttons that you'd like to be in the same group.

   [button style="color" href="#" target="self"]small[/button]
   [button style="color" href="#" target="self"]medium[/button]
   [button style="color" href="#" target="self"]large[/button]

Button with icons

To create a button with icon, add the [icon] shortcode besides the text of the button. Click here to see a list of all icons

complete events list gallery Download

[button style="default" href="#" target="_self"]gallery [icon style="icon-camera"/][/button]

Icon buttons

You can create icon buttons using the [icon_button] shortcode. These can come in handy especially when creating social icons. To make the icon button have the same color as colored button, add the uk-color class right after the icon

[icon_button icon="icon-twitter" url="#" target="_self"][/icon_button]
[icon_button icon="icon-dribbble uk-color" url="#" target="_self"][/icon_button]
[icon_button icon="icon-facebook" url="#" target="_self"][/icon_button]

Onze locatie


Kamperbaan 165, 3940 Hechtel-Eksel
Tel: +32 (0)11 34 27 39
e-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. 

Aeroclub Sanicole is sinds 1971 gevestigd in Hechtel-Eksel op het vliegveld van 'Beverlo'.

Foto & Media

Bekijk enkele foto's van EBLE Sanicole

banner fotoalbum

Onze waardes

Een enthousiast team van bestuurders, havenmeesters en instructeurs staat garant voor de uitbating van het vliegveld en de opleiding van piloten.

Klaar om jouw droom waar te maken: leren vliegen !

Popup Widget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur elit Donec sit amet nibh dolor vivamus non arcu sanctus est penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes consectetur eleifend tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis orem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur adipiscing elit

Popup B Widget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur elit Donec sit amet nibh dolor vivamus non arcu sanctus est penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes consectetur eleifend tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis orem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur adipiscing elit

Popup C Widget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur elit Donec sit amet nibh dolor vivamus non arcu sanctus est penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes consectetur eleifend tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis orem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur elit Donec sit amet nibh dolor vivamus non arcu sanctus est penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes consectetur eleifend tempus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis orem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur adipiscing elit